Pirates is the next expansion to the legendary game about the world of Neuroshima. The new army is flying under the black flag, has water cannons, harpoons but one thing they don’t have — a good captain!
Stand at the helm and lead your pirates to board. Expand the standard Battlefield thanks to innovative Water Fields and use the Drift trait of your units to plan each next turn in advance. So, are you signing up for this adventure? There will be no shortage of rum!
Some people can thwart even Moloch's and Neo-Jungle's plans. Those here used to sail on ships, but switched to motor boats. They are always hungry for riches, good rum and (above all) picking a fight. The pirates came to kick some landmen’s asses. They have harpoons, water cannons, but one thing they don’t have — a good captain. You already have experience, and it's time to finally switch sides. So, are you ready to swim?
When Pirates enter the game, the standard Battlefield is enlarged by 12 border Water Spaces. They can only contain units with the Drift trait — that is, only Pirate units. At the end of a Battle, simultaneously move each unit with the Drift trait to the next Water space in clockwise order. Units with the Drift trait are not affected by any other effects that change placement or tiles. At the same time, Water Spaces do not have to be filled when a Battle would start due to the board being filled — only count the standard 19 hex spaces.
An Implant is a new type of unit, depicting additional actions a player may perform during their turn. Once per turn, a player may activate one Implant placed on the board that belongs to their Army.For example, thanks to the Tavern Implant action, Pirates can immediately start a Battle which is resolved according to the standard rules. What a swashbucklers of these salty dogs...