There are two different zones you can send your scavengers to seek for resources – Metro and Harbour. There is also your secret base where you can send people to work too. At the beginning of each round you will secretly choose which of your workers you send to each of the zones – Metro, Harbour or your Base. And then we all reveal our screens and see what happens!
Resurgence is a worker placement game, so as you can imagine, each section has only limited space for workers of various types and skills. If you misjudge the situation, if you send your workers to a zone that is too crowded guess what – you are in trouble. You had a plan, and here is the recent news – the plan sucked.
This is a very small twist in for a worker placement game, but it makes a huge difference in game play, you have these three different types of workers and you plan where to send them, which Zone, and what would be your back up plan if another player screws you and blocks the zone.
Resurgence is an euro game without direct interaction, we don’t attack each other, we don’t steal resources and we don’t do that kind of mean stuff, and yet, in every minute of the game you feel it is not a solo game, it is tight, it is crowded, it is a constant fight for the best spots around the ruins.